Welcome back, you! Thank you so much for sticking around, even though I've been a bad blogger lately..
What can I say, school started 2 weeks ago and that's been my priority. It's not an excuse, I know, but I thought you might wonder.. Anyways, enough of the past, right now there actually is something to show you!
It's a little haul and demo of both things.
As you can see, I got this reddish-purple beanie (my first one ever) and finally the colour tattoo in "bad to the bronze". It's such a beautiful colour and when I had both in my posession, I realized that the combo would be gorgeous! Oxblood and bronze for fall.. ugh.
Typical me, I had to wear both the next day.. Since I had some extra time in the morning, I snapped some pictures with my phone. I hope you don't mind the quality, I just thought better than nothing!
Enjoy the pictures and let me know,
are you in fall-mood? What are your favorite colours now? What's on your wishlist?
it's hard to capture the colour of this shimmery shadow.. But it's very golden, in my opinion |